Paul Warns Us About An Angel From Heaven Preach Any Other Gospel

Islam - Founder Muhammad Claims He was Visited By An Angel

Jehovah's Witness - Watchtower Believe Jesus is the Archangel Michael?

Mormonism - Joseph Smith Claimed He Was Visited By An Angel

Sevetheth Day Adventist - Ellen G. White Claimed An Angel Spoke To Her

"At this time I visited one of our Advent sisters, and in the morning we bowed around the family altar. It was not an exciting occasion, and there were but five of us present, all females. While praying, the power of God came upon me as I never had felt before, and I was wrapt up in a vision of God's glory, and seemed to be rising higher and higher from the earth and was shown something of the travels of the Advent people to the Holy City. " 

In this vision the "Advent people" were traveling a high and dangerous path towrds the city of New Jerusalem {heaven}. Their path was lit from behind by "a bright (light) which was an angel told me was the midnight cry." Some of the travelers grew weary and were encouraged by Jesus, others denied the light, the light behind them went out, and they fell "off the path into dark and wcked world below." The vision continued with a portrayal of Christ's second coming, folloing which the Advent people would enter the New Jerusalem, and ended with her returning to earth feeling lonely, desolate and longing for that better world.  Resource

William M. Branham Angelic Visitation